Sunday, January 1, 2012


I'm not a huge believer in making New Year's Resolutions. I think it's great, to have goals and reach for them, but sometimes I think resolutions get lost in the mix of a busy life, and are sometimes set a little too high, for even the most goal oriented person to reach.  However, I had some friends in town, and we were talking about resoultions, and I wanted to participate in the, I cracked... and made some of my own:
Here they are!

1. NO MORE COOKIES!  In other words, eat healthier.  Like more whole grains, fruits, and natural sugars.
2. Continue to Embrace life, the good and the bad, and be happy where you are at!
3. Continue working on my MBA in Marketing and on my side personal shopping business.
4. Become a Zumba instructor.

As, #3, includes working on my side personal shopping business, I will post here ways of exploring how that will look this year.  I love to shop for others.  I feel like it is a talent I have that surpasses others I have.  At times, I feel it sounds "silly" to call it a talent, until, I am in action, and working with a client.  Especially, when I know someone well, I can then really help them out. 
With our economy, still where it is at, it's difficult for anyone to go and spend whatever they would like on clothes.  So, focusing on lower cost items is important to me.  A lot of the time that includes used items, that once washed and pressed, look like they came from a new store.  I am very convinced Savers Stores is one of the best!  If you haven't alreay tried it, look for a store near you:

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